We innovate in the way we design urban infrastructure projects, such as water supply, sewage and storm drainage systems for cities and industries.
Discover the solutions and services offered by Paralela I.
Successful projects delivered to renowned clients.
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Paralela I has been operating in the consulting engineering market since 1998, with Sanitation and the Environment as its main focus. Throughout this period, the company has worked on urban infrastructure projects such as Water Supply Systems, Sanitary Sewerage Systems and Storm Drainage for cities and industries, always using the best technical resources available.
The company has carried out various design studies, master plans, municipal basic sanitation plans, technical, economic and financial feasibility studies, basic and executive project preparation, environmental audits and studies, energy efficiency studies, as well as operational analysis of water and sewage treatment systems and plants.
Through its work, the company has contributed to the technological development of engineering, to improving people's quality of life and to preserving the environment.
PURPOSE - To act with technical excellence and socio-environmental responsibility in the sanitation sector, contributing to actions that have a positive impact on people's lives.
Our work in the engineering and urban infrastructure market.
Executive Project for the expansion of the Maricá SSS, tripling the supply capacity from 40 l/s to 120 l/s, including a catchment, a Water Treatment Station with sludge treatment, a 120 l/s treated water pumping station and the installation of 11 km of water mains. Client: Águas do Rio
Conception study and basic project to complement and integrate the SAA in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro, for an initial population of 2,083,147 and a final population of 4,196,042.
The JV included 20 supply sectors, simulating 138 km of existing pipelines and 72 km of pipelines to be installed. The basic project was developed for 42km of pipelines (DN 800 to 1,800mm) with 8 crossings and 4 reservoirs with a total capacity of 55,000m³. Client: CEDAE/SEOBRAS.
Executive Project for the Expansion of the Water Supply System in Barra da Tijuca, Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Vagem Grande, Vagem Pequena and Jacarepaguá, with 85 km of pipelines with DN 250 to 1,500mm, 2 reservoirs of 20,000 m³. Client: EIT Engenharia/CEDAE/SEOBRAS.
Hydraulic transient studies of the following forced conduits belonging to the SSS of the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro in the Concession areas managed by Águas do Rio: Baixada Fluminense Main Adductor (DN2000/1750, 30km), 2nd Ribeirão das Lajes Adductor Line (DN1750, 82km), Henrique Novaes Adductor (T1 2xDN1500 and T2_DN1750, 21km), Urucuia Juramento Adductor (DN 1750, 10km), 5th Black Line of the Acari System (DN900, 63km), 4th Black Line of the Acari System (DN900/800, 56km). The services included characterization of the existing systems with field inspections, diagnostics of the existing systems with preparation of the hydraulic transient model of the existing system and identification of the risks and proposed solutions to the problems identified. Client: AESAN/Águas do Rio
Technical analysis of 36 (thirty-six) existing pumping stations in Compesa's water supply system in the state of Pernambuco, including proposals for the energy efficiency of the systems analyzed. The services also included support for tasks relating to economic and financial analysis. The services refer to the Energy Efficiency Study project, developed by the USTDA (US Trade and Development Agency) for Compesa, Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento. Client: Mind/USTDA
Conceptual, basic and executive design of a conventional water treatment plant with a capacity of 210 l/s, including a sludge treatment system, for the Águas de Pará de Minas concessionaire, Pará de Minas - MG. Client: Águas do Brasil Group.
Design and Project Study for the Sludge Treatment System (STL) of the Águas das Agulhas Negras Water Treatment Stations, covering the following units: Eng. Passos WTP, Fazenda da Barra WTP, São Caetano WTP, 31 de Março WTP and Toyota WTP. Client: Águas do Brasil Group.
Executive Project for the Implementation of the Water Treatment Plant in Imbariê, Duque de Caxias - RJ, with a capacity of 70 l/s. Client: ZADAR-ENGEPRAT-SANEBRAS/CEDAE Consortium
Executive Project for the Expansion of the Campos Elísios Supply System, including Water Treatment Plant, Booster and Raw Water Pipeline, Reservoir and Distribution Network for a flow rate of 200 l/s. Client: ZADAR-ENGEPRAT-SANEBRAS/CEDAE Consortium.
Basic Project for the Alto Oeste Adductor System, consisting of 300 km of Treated Water Adductor, with a diameter between 150 and 600 mm, with a catchment at the Santa Cruz do Apodi Dam to supply water to 23 cities in Rio Grande do Norte. Client: Tecnosolo/SERIHD-RN.
Executive Project to Reinforce the Water Supply in Campo Grande, RJ, with 20km of 600mm pipes and a 300 l/s Booster Client: SPIL ENGENHARIA/CEDAE/SEOBRAS.
Executive Project for the Implementation of the Water Supply System for the towns of Inoã and Itaipuaçu, with a 360 l/s booster, 15km of water main, 2 reservoirs and 250km of distribution network. Client: Dimensional/CEDAE/SEOBRAS.
Executive project to reinforce the water supply to the city of Piraí with 15 km of 400 and 500 mm diameter pipelines, two standpipes and anti-tip structures. Two raw water pumping stations, one at the Ribeirão das Lages reservoir with an installed capacity of 1200 hp and the other at the Piraí reservoir with a capacity of 400 hp and submersible pumps. Client: Hidroplan/CEDAE.
Modeling using WaterGems / Bentley software of the water supply and distribution system that supplies AP5 in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, for the current and future system. The area served includes the districts of Bangu, Barra de Guaratiba, Campo dos Afonsos, Campo Grande, Cosmos, Deodoro, Gericinó, Guaratiba, Inhoaíba, Jardim Sulacap, Magalhães Bastos, Paciência, Padre Miguel, Pedra de Guaratiba, Realengo, Santa Cruz, Santíssimo, Senador Camará, Senador Vasconcelos, Sepetiba, Vila Kennedy and Vila Militar, with an estimated final population of 2.154,000 inhabitants and an average final demand of 4,100 l/s. Sectorization of the Supply System with definition of the DMCs and the necessary adduction and reservoir structures. Client: Rio Mais Saneamento.
Consulting Engineering Services in the preparation of WSS Studies and Projects in the municipalities of Ouro Preto (Mota District), Ouro Preto (Saramenha District) and Mariana in MG and Tufilândia in MA. Client: DIAGONAL URBANA / VALE.
Favela-Bairro program encompassing the communities of Morro da Paz, Morro do Sereno, Morro do Caracol and Morro da Caixa d'Água, including Diagnosis, Intervention Plan, Preliminary Project and Executive Project for Infrastructure, including projects for Water Supply, Sanitary Sewerage, Rain Drainage and Geometric Project for the roads to be implemented. Client: Formato AP II Arquitetura e Construção Ltda/Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro - SMH (Municipal Housing Secretariat).
Basic Project for the Implementation of the Water Supply System for the towns of Inoã and Itaipuaçu, with a 360 l/s booster, 15km of water main, 2 reservoirs and 250km of distribution network. Client: CEDAE.
Executive Project for the Expansion of the Water Supply System of Magé, Suruí and Mauá, in the municipality of Magé, including Raw Water Pipeline and Pumping Station, Water Treatment Plant, Treated Water Pipeline, 3 Reservoirs and Distribution Network for a flow rate of 300 l/s. Client: Consórcio SANERIO-EMISSÃO/ CEDAE.
Preparation of Executive Projects for the Expansion of the Water Supply System in Arraial do Cabo, in an area under the responsibility of the Prolagos Concessionaire, including 25 Km of Treated Water Pipeline and 75 Km of HDPE distribution network. Client: AEGEA.
Supervision and management of the implementation of rainwater drainage and sewage systems in the gardens of the Casa de Rui Barbosa Museum in Botafogo. Client: Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation
Executive project to recover and improve the sewage treatment plant, changing the type of process from UASB to activated sludge and implementing a sludge system (thickening and draining) with a flow rate of 30 l/s. Client: Zona Oeste Mais Saneamento.
Basic Project for the Sanitary Sewerage System for the Municipalities of Itaguaí, Piraí and Barra do Piraí, for a population of 404,000 inhabitants, with 500 km of collection mains/trunks (150 to 1500mm), 33 Pumping Stations and 8 Sewage Treatment Stations. In consortium with Ambiental Engenharia. Client: Cedae/Seobras
Preparation of a design study for the Tamoios WWTP and submarine outfall, including a study of alternatives considering two launch points (São João River or sea) and four different sewage and sludge treatment processes (Primary Treatment, ICEAS, IFAS, and Activated Sludge with nutrient removal). Technical and economic comparison of the alternatives with hydrodynamic and water quality modeling of the São João River and the sea. Modeling of the WWTP in BIM and the outfall in SisBaHiA. Client: Prolagos-AEGEA.
Engineering Services for the Design Study, Environmental Study and Basic and Executive Projects for the Sewerage System in the Municipality of Sumidouro, including 15 km of collection networks, 1,300 household connections, 5 Pumping Plants and a Sewage Treatment Plant for 19 l/s. Client: Sumidouro City Council.
Sanitary Sewerage Executive Project for Cachoeiras de Macacu and Papucaia, benefiting 65,000 inhabitants, including 78 km of networks/collectors, 8 pumping stations and two sewage treatment plants with 68 l/s and 53 l/s. Client: Cachoeiras de Macacu City Hall
Executive Project for several basins of the SES in the municipality of Barra Mansa, with 150km of networks/trunks and 25 pumping stations Client: SAAE- BM
Basic project for the Paragominas SES with 190 km of networks, 5 pumping stations and a sewage treatment plant for a population of 130,000 inhabitants. Client: MPS Associados/Diagonal Urbana.
Design and Basic Project Study for the Sanitary Sewerage Systems of the Urban Center and localities in the municipality of Vassouras, including 7 km of network and collection trunk, 14 pumping stations and 8 Sewage Treatment Plants for a population of 30,000 inhabitants. Client: SEA-Secretariat of the Environment of the State of Rio de Janeiro
Design and Basic Project Study for the Sanitary Sewerage Systems for the towns of São Pedro da Serra, Lumiar and Boa Esperança in the municipality of Nova Friburgo, including 1,042 m of collection network, 4 pumping stations and 3 sewage treatment plants for a population of 8,000 inhabitants. Client: SEA-Secretariat of the Environment of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
Consulting engineering services in the preparation of SES studies and projects in the municipalities of Pindaré/MA, Alto Alegre (Altamira)/MA, Alto Alegre (Auzilandia and Nova)/MA, Alto Alegre (Mineirinho)/MA, Igarapé do Meio/MA, Igarapé (Puraqueu)/MA, Igarapé (São Vicente)/AM, Tufilândia/MA, Ouro Preto (Mota)/MA, Ouro Preto (Saramenha)/MA. Client: DIAGONAL URBANA / VALE.
Design and Executive Project for the Sanitary Sewerage and Rainwater Drainage System for the city of Canaã dos Carajás, benefiting a population of 20,000 inhabitants, with a collection network, pumping stations and a stabilization pond treatment system. Client: Vivercidades/Mineradora Serra do Sossego (MSS).
Favela-Bairro program encompassing the communities of Morro da Paz, Morro do Sereno, Morro do Caracol and Morro da Caixa d'Água, including Diagnosis, Intervention Plan, Preliminary Project and Executive Project for Infrastructure, including projects for Water Supply, Sanitary Sewerage, Rain Drainage and Geometric Project for the roads to be implemented. Client: Formato AP II Arquitetura e Construção Ltda/Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro - SMH (Municipal Housing Secretariat).
Sanitary sewage system project for a population of 53,000 inhabitants, including field services, 179 km of mains and trunks, 18 EE and the expansion of the tertiary sewage treatment plant from 100 l/s to 322 l/s.
Executive project for micro and macro drainage, geometry and signage for the Santo Antônio neighborhood in the municipality of Niterói, with an area of 96 ha. Client: Santo Antônio Consortium (ACA Engenharia & Construção, FP Vieira Engenharia and PREMAG).
Hydrological study and definition of a solution for the drainage of rainwater in the area of the UTE Parnaíba Thermoelectric Plant, with an area of 161 ha, including two channels (14m³/s and 9.5m³/s) and an accumulation and delay reservoir to dampen the peak flow, which can be used as reuse water. Client:MPX-Parnaíba
Basic Project for the Rain Drainage System on the Left and Right Banks of the Paraíba do Sul River, in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes. Client: Campos dos Goytacazes City Hall - RJ
Drainage and Stormwater Management Project for the Rivers that drain the central area of the Municipality of Itaguaí in consortium with Ambiental Engenharia: Client: Itaguaí City Hall.
Favela-Bairro program encompassing the communities of Morro da Paz, Morro do Sereno, Morro do Caracol and Morro da Caixa d'Água, including Diagnosis, Intervention Plan, Preliminary Project and Executive Project for Infrastructure, including projects for Water Supply, Sanitary Sewerage, Rain Drainage and Geometric Project for the roads to be implemented. Client: Formato AP II Arquitetura e Construção Ltda/Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro - SMH (Municipal Housing Secretariat).
Basic Project for the Water Supply, Sanitary Sewerage and Rainwater Drainage Systems for the Manguinhos Campus. Client: FIOCRUZ/Ministry of Health.
Diagnosis and alternatives for urban infrastructure, including water supply, sewage, rainwater drainage and solid waste collection and disposal, with a view to supporting the Master Plan for the Jacarepaguá 1 Campus (Colônia Juliano Moreira). Client: FIOCRUZ/Ministry of Health.
Executive project for the rainwater drainage system of the National Observatory Campus and Astronomy Museum - ON-MAST, covering 38,500m². The area includes 5 basins, and two reservoirs have been designed for accumulation with peak dampening and reservoirs for reuse. Client: MPS/ON-MASP.
Master Plan for the São Paulo Campus, covering the rational use of water and energy efficiency, including a diagnosis of existing structures and the development of a program with guidelines for the rational use of water and electricity. Client: MPS Associados/UNIFESP
PMSB with municipal characterization, sector diagnoses and prognoses for water supply, sanitary sewage, urban drainage, considering the technical, operational, institutional, legal and economic-financial aspects for a final plan population of 277,864 inhabitants. Client: Department of the Environment - SEA-RJ/PM of Teresópolis.
PMSB with Municipal characterization, Sectorial Diagnoses and prognoses for water supply, sanitary sewage, urban drainage, considering the technical, operational, institutional, legal and economic-financial aspects for a final plan population of 14,423 inhabitants. Client: Department of the Environment - SEA-RJ/PM of Areal
PMSB with Municipal characterization, Sectorial Diagnoses and prognoses for water supply, sanitary sewage, urban drainage, considering the technical, operational, institutional, legal and economic-financial aspects for a final plan population of 23,891 inhabitants. Client: Department of the Environment - SEA-RJ/PM de Carmo
PMSB with municipal characterization, sectoral diagnoses and prognoses for water supply, sewage disposal and urban drainage, considering the technical, operational, institutional, legal and economic-financial aspects for a final plan population of 26,288 inhabitants. Client: Department of the Environment - SEA-RJ/PM of São José do Vale do Rio Preto.
PMSB with Municipal Characterization, Sector Diagnostics and Prognostics for Water Supply, Sanitation, Urban Drainage, Considering Technical, Operational, Institutional, Legal and Economic-Financial Aspects for a Final Plan Population of 16,650 inhabitants Client: Secretariat of the Environment - SEA-RJ/PM of Sapucaia
PMSB with Municipal characterization, Sectorial Diagnoses and prognoses for water supply, sanitary sewage, urban drainage, considering the technical, operational, institutional, legal and economic-financial aspects for a final plan population of 16,792 inhabitants. Client: Department of the Environment - SEA-RJ/PM of Sumidouro
Consolidation of the Municipal Sanitation Plans of the municipalities of Teresópolis, Areal, Carmo, São José do Vale do Rio Preto, Sapucaia, Sumidouro, consolidating the Regional planning of the region covering 375,908 inhabitants. Client: Secretariat for the Environment - SEA-RJ
Consultancy for the Environmental Audit of the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon Basin and the Rainha River sub-basin, including auditing, investigations, analysis and final diagnosis of the sewage system for the preparation of the environmental audit document. Client: COPPETEC-LOGOS Consortium.
Hydrodynamic and water quality modeling to compare alternatives between discharging sewage into the river or the sea and defining the length required for the outfall. Client: Prolagos-AEGEA
Design study and executive project for 16 dry weather catchments in the municipalities of Itaboraí and São Gonçalo, with the aim of sending effluents for treatment, thus improving the water quality of Guanabara Bay. Client: Hidrocon/Águas do Rio.
Hydrological study and definition of a solution for the drainage of rainwater in the area of the UTE Parnaíba Thermoelectric Plant, with an area of 161 ha, including two channels (14m³/s and 9.5m³/s) and an accumulation and delay reservoir to dampen the peak flow, which can be used as reuse water. Client:MPX-Parnaíba
Socio-Spatial Plan for the urbanization of the Rocinha Complex, with the development of a diagnosis and Intervention Plan in the disciplines of Water Supply, Sanitary Sewerage, Storm Drainage and Public Lighting. Client: M&T Arquitetura/EMOP - RJ.
Infrastructure and Facilities Project for the units implemented by PAC Rocinha: Integration Center, Culture and Coexistence Center, Model Day Care Center, Sports Center (Soccer Field, Multi-sports Court, Swimming Pools, Skate Rinks, Judo Center, Surf School. Client: Consórcio Novos Tempos/EMOP - RJ.
Basic Urbanization Project for the Juliano Moreira Colony, including a water supply system, sewage system, drainage system, public lighting, garbage collection and removal, road system and internal circulation, sports and leisure areas, urban furniture and visual communication. Client: Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - RJ.
Urban infrastructure project for a 1,500-household subdivision in the areas of water supply, sewage, rainwater drainage and solid waste in the city of Parauapebas - PA. Client: MPS Associados
Conceptual and executive project for the COSIGUA/GERDAU factory's sewage system, including: the factory's domestic effluent collection system with 3.0 km of collection network, 13 intermediate pumping stations with around 2.5 km of discharge line and 1 final pumping station with a 2.6 km discharge line to the sewage treatment plant. Client: TECMA/GERDAU
Operational analysis of the Barra Shopping Wastewater Treatment Plant - RJ, with investigations and audits of the operation and facilities of the Sewage Treatment Plant for operational and safety assessment. Client: DALKIA INFRA4.
Operational analysis of the WTP of Companhia Siderúrgica de Tubarão - CST (ES), with field and laboratory investigations for the operational analysis of water treatment plants. Client: TECMA/CST.
Geometric and earthworks executive project for the seven macro-drainage channels, including the executive project for the lateral maintenance roads for the new PEUGEOT - CITROEN AUTOMOBILES plant in Porto Real (RJ). Client: Jaakko-Poyry/Peugeot
Executive project for the expansion of the plant, including underground rainwater drainage, sewage, process and emergency water systems, as well as a water supply system. Geometric design of roads and paving. Client: Jaakko-Poyry/Wella
Executive Project for the Effluent Collection and Final Disposal System for the B.BRAUN Laboratory, with the preparation of the Hydraulic-Mechanical Projects for the collection network, pumping stations and pumping line. Client: TECMA/B.BRAUN Laboratories.
Executive Project for the Effluent Treatment Stations for the Ore and Coal Yards at Companhia Siderúrgica do Atlântico. Client: CasaGrande Eng. - Carioca Eng./THYSSENKRUPP-CSA.
Basic and Executive Design of the Effluent Treatment and Rainwater Drainage Systems for the Sulphur and Coal Yards at the Itaqui, Maranhão and Parauapebas, Pará Terminals. Client: Planave/Mineradora Onça Puma (MOP).
Diagnosis of the Sanitary Sewage Treatment Systems of REDUC's Process, Utilities, Transfer and Storage Units. Client: Globaltech/Petrobras- RJ.
Executive Project for the Refurbishment of the Process Water Treatment Plant at the Cabiúnas Terminal in Macaé, RJ. Client: Golder Associates do Brasil/Petrobrás-RJ.
Executive Project for the Refurbishment of the Process Water Treatment Plant at the Angra dos Reis Waterway Terminal. Client: Golder Associates do Brasil/Petrobrás.
Sanitary sewage design and project study for the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) Coal Terminal at the Port of Sepetiba, in Itaguaí, including information gathering, diagnosis and characterization of the systems' effluents, in order to assess the need for the type of treatment. Client: Planave/CSN.
Our differentials are based on a constant search for technical excellence in our deliveries, without giving up our social and environmental responsibility towards our public.
Experience and commitment to actions involving the environment.
We strive for maximum operational efficiency in our projects and deliveries.
Paralela I Consultoria em Engenharia Ltda.
CNPJ: 02.799.269/0001-05
CREA-RJ registration: 1998202014
PURPOSE - To act with technical excellence and socio-environmental responsibility in the sanitation sector, contributing to actions that have a positive impact on people's lives.
Tel: 21 2240-1642
Tel: 21 99683-6149
Rua Evaristo da Veiga, 47 Sala 701 Downtown - Rio de Janeiro RJ - CEP: 20031-040
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